Saturday, October 6, 2018

GOD and the LIAR

As I was leaving to attend my first grief support group meeting that evening, I received the doctor's test results. I stood in the doorway of my home, listening on the phone as the physician spoke. It was cancer. I can't begin to describe the feelings of lostness, pain and fear that I was experiencing in those moments. It felt like the “other shoe” had finally dropped. How was I going to cope with this emotionally, mentally, physically, and at the same time, go through the overwhelming grief due to the death of my son? The voice of fear began to whisper to me, bringing to mind every imaginable scenario involving impending doom and death from the diagnosis.

There is a stronghold of fear in my life, and it has plagued me on many fronts for many years. Fear is multifaceted. There's the fear of death, fear of lack in our finances, fear for a loved one's safety, fear of the unknown, and the list goes on and on... and those fears rise at various times to try and consume us if they can.

I shared the cancer diagnosis with one of my closest friends in a phone call as I walked across the church parking lot that night to attend my meeting. In the midst of our conversation, the movement of God's Spirit and His voice came through suddenly, boldly, and with unmistakable clarity. God said, “Whose report will you believe?” I was taken aback and I wasn't sure if He was speaking about the diagnosis itself being in error or that the cancer meant my imminent death. I replied and asked God, “Which report do You mean Lord?” The Lord said, “The report from the enemy of fear that this means your death OR My report that it does not. WHO'S REPORT WILL YOU BELIEVE?” God's presence permeated the atmosphere through His voice all around me, and a reverential fear of God hit me like a ton of bricks in those moments. I quickly replied, “I will believe the report of the Lord....”

My friend began to share about seeing an image that she believed was from the Lord in those same moments. She spoke of seeing a bonfire, and Fear was throwing it's fuel (lies) into the bonfire to cause it to flare up and grow larger. It was trying to shift my focus mentally and emotionally to try to consume me. The Lord was showing her the battle in my mind to either believe Him and His word to me that I would live, or to believe the spirit of fear that was trying to convince me that I would soon die.

My thoughts drifted to the vision God gave me the day my son died a year and a half earlier. I remembered the 3 bonfires on a remote island's beach that the enemy (local islanders or pirates historically) had lit to lure unsuspecting ships seeking safe harbor as storms at sea approached. Hidden reefs underwater in the harbor tore the ships apart instead. The result was shipwreck and the ship's cargo floating ashore for the island's natives or pirates to gather. I also saw a tall, red and white striped lighthouse in the vision situated on a large, solid rock outcropping of land. I knew it was the true light of guidance for the ships that approached and could be trusted to guide them to a safe harbor. The number of bonfires in the vision had baffled me for some time and I had wondered often why there was three of them on the island's shore instead of one.

As the words left my lips that I would believe the report of the Lord, I was given the understanding by God's Spirit as to why there were three bonfires, in that vision of Oct. 2, 2016. The first bonfire represented the death of my husband in 1988. His death was meant to shipwreck a deeper commitment I had made in my life towards God, to cause me to question God's goodness. The second bonfire represented the death of my son Randall. This also was meant to shipwreck my faith and my trust in God with regard to my son's salvation. I momentarily assumed the third bonfire was representative of my death, but God's Spirit corrected me. It was the fear of death that I needed to face and overcome by trusting God as I have never trusted Him before and the spirit of fear was trying to stoke the flames of the third bonfire, adding fuel to it with his lies of imminent physical destruction.

I was emotionally exhausted when I went home that evening, and as I slept I literally heard a song being sung to me in the middle of the night. “Whose voice is that?” I I slept. The song was by Zack Williams titled “Fear Is A Liar”, and the mysterious voice sang it over and over again to me into the early morning hours. Why was this “voice” emphasizing this to me as I had slept? I instinctively knew God was trying to communicate something to me through it. I watched and listened to the band's official you tube video on my computer that morning as soon as I could. There was an urgency in my spirit to do so. I was only interested in the lyrics, not the video I told myself. What were the words in that song? It must be important for me to know them better, I thought to myself.

The video showed several life scenes that expressed the message of the song's lyrics. The successive scenes depicted how a spirit of fear was trying to bring destruction into people's lives with it's lies. As the words to the song were displayed, there was the scene of a man who was attempting suicide because of a job termination. Another scene was of a young woman's emotional agony as she faced the bullying of her peers at school and those peers encouraging her to take her life. But one scene stood out from all the rest that played out before me, and my world stopped as I watched it.....

A woman kissed her fingertips then lovingly touched a photograph on the wall of her home. The photo was of a dead son. Then, moments later, the video's next scene, she picked up a pamphlet from her coffee table with the title “Coping with Cancer”. Short scenes followed showing the effects of the cancer treatments and it's toll on her. There were the moments of crippling physical weakness from chemotherapy, her hair falling out onto her comb in front of her bathroom mirror, and in addition to it all, her grieving for a lost son. There I was.... The devastating grief over the death of a son, then a cancer diagnosis shortly after, and it was playing out in front of me. I broke down as I watched, and sobbed openly. The song's music and it's words surrounded me in those moments as I wept and God's personal message for me was very clear....”Fear is a liar, Marguerite,......”

The previous day a close friend had offered to pray for me at her prayer group's weekly meeting. That evening I shared with this friend about God's message in a song in the middle of the night and the video that I had viewed that morning. Her astonishment was evident as we spoke. She said, “Marguerite, that's the song we played specifically for you as we prayed for you the same night!”

In the midst of life's storms, we must not be distracted by the light of the enemy's bonfires of lies. Those lies will erode our faith and consume us. They can shipwreck our faith in God. Jesus Christ is our Lighthouse. In the midst of our trials and suffering God will set us free from our fears if we allow Him to do so. Through my son's death and this cancer issue the stronghold of fear in my life is coming down, brick by brick, and I am overcoming the the fear of dying, and many other fears as well. When one has overcome fear, we are free to live, laugh, and love. Then we become free also to share the love of God because there's no fear of losing anything anymore, and we have everything to gain....I have the promise of heaven and uninterrupted time with the living God in my future, as well as with all of my family who have gone before me. Whom or what do I have to fear? I am blessed.

I listened to the song and watched the video a second time the following morning. I didn't want to ever forget God's special message for me, to trust Him and that fear is a liar. When the video ended, I reached over to shut off the music, and the next song on the random playlist began. It was “You're Going to be Okay” by Jenn Johnson. What?? I'd never heard this song before. Ok, I thought, as I chuckled to myself.....that just HAD to be coincidence, right?? Five minutes later I was pulling out of my driveway to go to work for the day. I turned on the local christian radio station in my car and the first song that began to play guessed it....”Fear Is A Liar”. Whose report would YOU believe? 

When he told you you're not good enough
When he told you you're not right
When he told you you're not worthy
When he told you you're not loved
When he told you you're not beautiful
That you'll never be enough

Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear, he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
Cause fear, he is a liar”

When he told you you were troubled
You'll forever be alone
When he told you you should run away
You'll never find a home
When he told you you were dirty
And you should be ashamed
When he told you you could be the one
That grace could never change

Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear, he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
Cause fear, he is a liar”


Fear he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear, he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire

(Song writer(s) Zach Williams, Jason Ingram, Jonathan Lindley Smith)

And God throws down the mic....