-The Light of Navigation Series-
It was Sunday Oct. 2, 2016 and as I
drove to church that morning God spoke to me about something so
important for every believer to lay hold of in this “earth journey”
we take. It was a combination of His words and pictures that He can
use to reveal something.
I saw a tall majestic white lighthouse,
it's light beaming brightly, just offshore from the main shoreline or
beach, and it was built on a large rock area in the middle of a bay.
There was a storm all around, with waves breaking against this
lighthouse, and it was getting dark. I heard the Lord speak about
“The Light of Navigation”. That He is the only true light of
navigation in this life we live.
I looked again and also saw giant
bonfires on a nearby beach and it's shoreline area (3 of them to be
exact). The Lord shared with me about the pirates of long ago, and
of the native inhabitants of some islands that would light large
bonfires as a storm moved in, in hopes of luring an unsuspecting ship
from the nearby shipping lanes toward shore. These pirates or
natives knew that a dangerous reef area lay underwater in the bay and
that passing ships would be trying to avoid an incoming storm's
fierceness. By using the bonfires as a reference point of
navigation to a possible safe-haven, unsuspecting ships would sail
for what they thought was safe harbor and would be torn apart by the
reef. After the ship was wrecked, all they had to do was wait for
the ship's contents and treasures to wash ashore to take it.
We all experience shipwrecks or
tragedies in life....they happen for many reasons. Some occur
because we thought we had the Lord's direction on something and later
realized it was not Him guiding us, or a massive tragedy occurs and
we feel lost in it wondering where God is. I asked the Lord, “How
do we know when the enemy is putting out a false light of
navigation?” He said, “Most often, it is the quick, easy, or
convenient path that is illuminated. And few see My light of
navigation in the midst of the storm,
as they're too busy trying to avoid the storm altogether.”
My pastor granted me permission to step
forward and share this word of knowledge that morning with my fellow
church members, just before his sermon began. I felt it was
important for all to hear, not just myself. Two hours later, that
afternoon, I was notified that my son Randall had died suddenly. He
was 32 years old and my only child.
As I stood in a side room of the
funeral home just before my son's funeral service on the following
Saturday, Oct. 8th, I looked around at family members
standing there as well as the pall bearers attending. The hospice
pastor officiating for the funeral service had insisted on stepping
into this side room to pray for me and my family before the service
began. There were so many side rooms in this funeral home and I had
not seen this one before or even entered it. The pastor began his
prayer by looking at me and pointing to an end table in the room as
he spoke. He told me that Christ is my Light of Navigation
through this storm in my life, and to stay focused on Him.
As I turned and looked at the end table, there sat a tall, white ceramic lighthouse as room décor.......
As I turned and looked at the end table, there sat a tall, white ceramic lighthouse as room décor.......